Acute Mastoiditis. (
Today we are going to talk about attitude master daddies this is the whole human school and this is temporal bone contains several parts in which this is aromatic process tympani styloid process petrol mastoid as families so today we are going to focus on the mastoid part so what is mass twenties it is the inflammation of the mucosal lining of intra and mastered SL systems the term master Dedes is used when the infection spread from the mucosa lining the master deer cells to involve bony walls of mastoid air cell systems moving toward its etiology acute masterpiece it is most commonly caused by acute suppurative otitis media, that is it follows active suppurative otitis media the determining factors may be high virulence of organism or there may be chances of low resistance of patient due to any diseases like measles or there may be poor nutritions or associated systemic diseases such as diabetes and the most common causative organism for acute master duties is beta hemolytic streptococcus so what are the pathological process are responsible for formation of acute majorities basically this infection start progressing and it progresses toward neucopia of Steel learning of yourself systems increases the amount of pus and production due to large surface area is in order and what this infection start producing large amount of pus this purse is drained from tympanic membrane or obstruction team and the cañada one is hyperemic because education and osteoblastic reabsorption of burning wounds both these processes combined to cause destruction and coalescence of master tier cells converting them into a single irregular cavity filled with pus that is infimum of mastered so what are the critical features clinical features are very simple first we are going through its symptoms and symptoms are similar to that of acute suppurative otitis media there is a pain behind the ear because of accumulation of pus your discharge any persistence air discharge beyond three weeks in case of acute otitis media is directly bind toward mastoid et's so what other signs the first one is mastoid tenderness this is an important sign it is initiated by pressure over the middle of the mastoid process it is a steep postal border or root of Dragomir keep in mind that when we are going to check master tenderness should always be compared with that of his beside the other sign is our ear discharge which may be multiple relents or purulent and there is a light house effect can be seen perforation of tympanic membrane the perforation of tympanic membrane is sometime appear as a nipple like protrusion tympanic membrane is usually in Dec but dull and opaque we can see the swelling or the mastoid initially there is an idiom of paleo steam but after some time there is a smooth iron out fill over the mastoid there is always conductive type of hearing loss is present so what are the investigations we have to do for active Master it is the blood count soles polymorphonuclear see leukocytosis and erythrocyte sedimentation rate is usually rised if you find x-ray of mastoid or CT scan of temporal bone we can see, that there is a clouding of essence so what are the causes for clouding of the air cells it is due to collection of exudates in them and the bony partition between these air cells is become indistinct.
Now moving toward is treatment what do you think yes first we have to hospitalize the patient and then we can start with antibiotics in the absence of culture and sensitivity we can start with monkey saline or anti saline then there we can do Mariya domi early cases of acute maternities respond to conservative treatment with antibiotics alone or combined with manual if it is not sold then we can move toward cortical master to me and it is indicated when there is subperiosteal obsesses mastoid leading to complications like facial paralysis labyrinth it is intracranial complications and there is a positive reservoir in a sign that is may at us immediately fills with purse after it has been mopped out so this all are the indications for political master dr. me now what are the complications of acute master oddities so complications generally occur in which part which is attached to the mastoid bone so there may be facial paralysis there may be Petro societies extradural or subdural abscesses there may be meningitis brain excesses beside that there is the lateral sinus so there may be lateral science from humanities and any chances of subperiosteal abscesses if you don't remember these all complications here we have a simple mnemonic that is less Abey Abey means facebook so less a bl-4 laterals are must remove abilities or liabilities if or extradural abscesses s for subdued Alexis's or superior of Steel of sizes F for facial paralysis and before brain abscesses so this is all about compositions of acute master ladies and here we cover all important points for you.
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