Let's talk about why some diabetics get gangrene and others don't. First of all, what is gangrene it really has nothing to do with the color green but when you get gangrene the tissue usually in the feet or the toes starts first, and then sometimes in the hand starts turning black yellow-red, and even kind of a shade of green? Now the actual word gangrene comes from the Latin word which means putrefaction dead or dying tissue and the reason why the tissue is dying is simply that you're exposing the tissue to way too much sugar, so if your blood sugar is too high that sugar goes to the vascular system and the tiny little blood vessels especially starting in the toes and sometimes in the hands because you start off from the heart with larger blood vessels and then it gets down to the bottom of the feet to the tiny capillaries then it comes back through the venous system but when you expose glucose to your vascular system you get all sorts of destruction you get massive oxidation creates free radicals hemorrhaging so you're getting bleeding getting clotting.
The vascular system is becoming thicker and stiffer and you're getting a healing response inflammatory response and all of this is going to stop the blood flow to the tissues and to the nerves now the lining on the inside of the vascular system is called the endothelial layer and this layer does not require insulin to transport glucose into those cells which means that if you have insulin resistance you won't have any resistance there. If there's too much glucose it's going to drive it right into the tissues and that's really what's creating the damage if you look at insulin resistance as a protective mechanism to block insulin and glucose from going in the tissues because it's toxic large amounts and there are certain issues that don't require insulin and those usually get hammered.
The brain cells, for example, don't
require insulin you have the brain-blood barrier which does but not the actual
brain cells the red blood cells don't require insulin this is why when you get
a test called a1c they're measuring the amount of exposure of that sugar
to the red blood cell to determine if you're a diabetic or not so the more
sugar in the blood the more vascular problems you're gonna have and that's
gonna stop the nutrition to the tissues and the oxygen to the tissues and it's
gonna start dying and that's what's called gangrene.
So you have a combination of dead tissue ulcers and severe nerve damage a lot of times there's pain involved until the nerve is dead and then you have no pain it's completely numb. Now what could be done for this condition well the most important thing is to avoid this in the first place by not consuming so much sugar doing Kido and I have so you never end up in the situation but if you already have this situation there might be a couple things that you can do depending on how severe it is let's say you don't want to get surgery and remove your toes and maybe you have certain issues that are not so bad maybe you have an ulcer or some infection.
Well guess what the FDA did approve
in 2004 maggot therapy and I'm not being sarcastic they actually put maggots in
the ulcer to clean up the dead tissue certain types of maggots eat the dead
tissue and they don't eat the healthy tissue so they clear out the infection
interesting in fact they're finding that it's even more effective than certain
surgeries because it disinfects the area and it stimulates healing and within
one or two days, it could be totally cleaned out so these maggots actually
release enzymes and they also release like a broad-spectrum antibiotic to kill
HUF the infection is quite interesting but of course, you would want to make
sure that you change your diet so you don't keep exposing these tissues to
glucose you don't want to just rely on medication to control your blood sugars.
Medication basically takes the excess blood sugar and in it has to put it somewhere it doesn't evaporate it lowers it but it puts it somewhere in the tissues but we want to actually eliminate the sugar from the other thing that I would recommend especially if you're getting let's say you're getting nerve damage but maybe it's not gangrene yet is to start taking benfotiamine but in folk to mean is a B vitamin that is made into a fat-soluble version so it penetrates the myelin sheath it goes right into the nerves and actually can help to protect against the high sugar and the complications and it's great for peripheral neuropathy it’s called benfotiamine get some take like four tablets a day spread out and you'll see some really wonderful changes with that anyway.